17. Jacki Carr on Goal Setting + Finding Your Core Values

17. Jacki Carr on Goal Setting + Finding Your Core Values

We are so excited for our guest this week, goals coach Jacki Carr! January first could not be a better day for a goal related podcast! Dr. Nicole and Jacki discuss how to set goals in the new year, and the process to get to your goals that are aligned with your values. To learn more about Jacki and all of her amazing offerings, click here.

More on Jacki:

I am inspired by connection, my family, nature and getting vulnerable. 

I am absolutely alive when I am of service as a catalyst for people getting possible and rocking their goals.  I do have the keen ability to listen on a deeper level, see the big picture and be absolutely real and honest with you. I do.

I am the co-founder of ROCK YOUR BLISS, a yoga and goals movement inspiring and empowering others to live the life of their dreams. Yoga teacher and blisscrafter, Mary Beth Larue and I have teamed up to lead retreats, workshops and trainings around this beautiful globe.

I am on faculty for lightyear leadership, a movement in personal power and wholeness, vision, goal-setting and leadership training.  I have completed the works as a participant and I am inspired by the work as a foundation for my coaching relationships.

Follow Jacki @jackicarr

18. Shawn Mynar on Debunking Diets and Intuitive Nourishment

18. Shawn Mynar on Debunking Diets and Intuitive Nourishment

16. Dr. Lindsey Mathews on BirthFit, Modern Birth Culture + the Polyvagal Theory

16. Dr. Lindsey Mathews on BirthFit, Modern Birth Culture + the Polyvagal Theory