Episode 49: Jodie Meschuk on Essential Oils + Autism Reimagined

Episode 49: Jodie Meschuk on Essential Oils + Autism Reimagined

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This episode is so powerful and not-to-miss! Both Dr. Abby and Dr. Nicole are on this interview with Jodie Meschuk to bring you guys all of the information on essential oils! You'll learn what oils are, why you should use them, how they work differently than supplements, and how to find the highest quality. We also discuss her new book "Autism Reimagined" which takes you through the journey of how natural medicine reversed her sons diagnosis of autism.

Jodie Meschuk is a hand-holder, professional wild woman, and lover of adventure. Provoking parents to think outside the box, she disrupts convention everywhere she goes, from her culturally relevant posts to her sassy Warrior Collection tees. You can spot her car by its pithy Warrior decals, which she initially designed with the school pick-up line in mind. An autism-turnaround expert, she has coached hundreds of families on their wellness journeys and shares her wealth of knowledge through social media, newsletters, videos, and one-on-one support. Nothing gives her greater joy than seeing children with an autism diagnosis or any chronic illness healed and restored.

She is a sweetie to Aaron, mama to Lincoln, Marshall and Adeline and together they reside in Colorado with The General, a dappled dachshund with an affinity for socks.

To order Jodie's book, "Autism Reimagined", click here.

Explore all of Jodie's amazing offerings, here.

Follow Jodie on instagram @jodiemeschuk


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